Printable ‘Two-Pager’ for Our Initiative
A simple, printable, two-page document that explains the housing challenges facing our communities, how our initiative will restore a local voice in neighborhood planning and how you can get involved with our movement.
Print this document out for house parties, tabling, events or even to share with your friends and neighbors to get them involved in our campaign.
Pass a Resolution in Support of the
Our Neighborhood Voices initiative!
If you are a local elected official and would like to have your city or county demonstrate its support by passing a resolution in support of our initiative, a sample resolution is provided here. When your council or board has passed a version of it, please notify us by returning it to
Downloadable Logos

Downloadable Banner
Download this file and take it to any office supply or printing store to print your own banner for events, house parties, or tabling.

Downloadable Info Cards
These downloadable info cards are standard business card size and can be taken to most office stores or printing locations.
